In a secret meeting between VICPOL and the team of 8, funds have been released to recruit 4000 new Intensive Care Officers (ICOs). Our dear leader is showing true genius insight into the initiative by reallocating $1.3 billion previously earmarked for 4000 new ICU beds by the traitor Mikakos, to fund the recruitment and purchase…

HERO of the PRV – Brett “Squealer” Sutton

Squealer is the silver tongued spokesperson of Napoleon in Eric Blair’s (alias George Orwell) children’s story book guide to Socialism, “Animal Farm”. Squealer is the master of half truths and positive spin. He skillfully destroyed the credibility of traitors like Snowball who lacked respect for the hierarchy and encouraged ideas of individual value. Most importantly…

Off the record chat with Leader Dan

We don’t usually publish comments made at our nightly PRV meetings, however at last night’s meeting some personal comments by our leader Dan Andrews reinforced our trust in the ability for our leader to stay the course and push for an accelerated transition of power from the imperialists to the PRV. When Andrews was asked…

The police will fine you

The minor surge in COVID infections across a few suburbs in the metro area in Melbourne has stirred a media looking to undermine the authority of the Andrews Government. Dan Andrews has been a true father figure for so many Victorians who desperately need someone to keep them safe. Be it protection from the COVID-19…