In a secret meeting between VICPOL and the team of 8, funds have been released to recruit 4000 new Intensive Care Officers (ICOs). Our dear leader is showing true genius insight into the initiative by reallocating $1.3 billion previously earmarked for 4000 new ICU beds by the traitor Mikakos, to fund the recruitment and purchase…

BIG C and little c

As many know, most of the executive team of 8 spent their formative years within the Victorian Catholic Education system. Which makes a recent petition seeking to challenge apparent inequalities in COVID restrictions by the Catholic Bishops of Victoria a clear political maneuver by a sect within the Catholic Church that requires explanation. There…

Crisis management

When you are the shepherd of sheep and it is nearing time to sell, a few of the more free thinking members of the flock start to get an inkling that life might not be as good after the sale – let us call them black sheep, or more accurately – liberals. Many thought our…

Absolute ZERO

Once again the half witted dogmatist Joshua Frydenberg sought to challenge our great leader’s road map to recovery (utopia). When managing a natural crisis, rather than manufacturing a crisis, it is important to assume control by melding levers of fear to suit the narrative required to achieve the desired outcome. Capitalist pigs like Frydenberg…

Comrade Dan cracks a ton that would make Deano proud.

Today our dear leader Dan fronted his 100th press conference in a row. A milestone that demonstrates his selfless commitment to personally managing the COVID response and ensuring that we make the most of the crisis. A display of endurance in the face of adversity that even Dean Jones would be proud of. The…

Roadmap to the PRV

In years to come, September 6 or the first Sunday in September may well be marked as a day for celebration in the PRV. A day when we finally heard the last wheezing gasps from small business in Victoria. It has taken a little longer than expected due to interference and meddling from the chief…

HERO of the PRV – Brett “Squealer” Sutton

Squealer is the silver tongued spokesperson of Napoleon in Eric Blair’s (alias George Orwell) children’s story book guide to Socialism, “Animal Farm”. Squealer is the master of half truths and positive spin. He skillfully destroyed the credibility of traitors like Snowball who lacked respect for the hierarchy and encouraged ideas of individual value. Most importantly…

The student becomes the master

During Dan Andrews April 2019 trip to China he and his Media Director successfully completed the most difficult CCP coercive control course “The way of the river”. As any well versed geomorphologist (e.g. Randy Marsh) would go to great lengths to describe, a river follows the path of least resistance. It twists and turns,…

Off the record chat with Leader Dan

We don’t usually publish comments made at our nightly PRV meetings, however at last night’s meeting some personal comments by our leader Dan Andrews reinforced our trust in the ability for our leader to stay the course and push for an accelerated transition of power from the imperialists to the PRV. When Andrews was asked…

PRV power grows…….

For those chosen few within PRV elite, the similarities between our tireless leader Dan Andrews and the architect of modern socialism, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin are well known. As the corona virus hysteria offers so many opportunities to test the Victorian public’s appetite for social freedom austerity, we have seen our leader take advantage of every…